Celebrating Our 5 Year Anniversary

Dave Martin |

Saturday marked the 5 Year Anniversary of our parent company. It was an amazing milestone for us to reach, considering 50% of all businesses fail within the first 5 years.

As a business we've had many ups and downs, lots of painful lessons but incredible fun along the way. We would not be here without our incredible team and you.

I remember someone once told me that running a business was like running an orchestra. The conductor stands at the front, to lead and direct. But he can't create his masterpiece without amazing musicians - the woodwind, strings, percussion and brass.

Everyone must learn to listen to one another, if they are to work together. The orchestra needs the loudest tuba players just as much as it needs the meakest harpist. The different sounds, the ebs and flows, all contributing to the harmony. It is the differences within that orchestra that unite it and make it stand out.

As a business we are blessed to conduct an orchestra of superstar musicians, that give so much more than anyone could expect. Without them we would not have reached this milestone and I am eternally grateful for their dedication and hard work.

But, every great orchestra also needs its back stage team – the cleaners, suppliers, partners, customers and unsung heros. To that end, I would like to say thank you on behalf of the team for playing a part in our journey so far. Without you, we would not be here today.

To celebrate, we hosted a Caribbean themed party at our offices, complete with steel pans, a Tiki bar and we partied into the night with celebrity DJ Rory Hoy.

We have learnt so much in the last 5 years, mostly that everything usually takes longer than expected, wins come wrapped in small packages, that there is no 'I' in team and how important it is to maintain a positive outlook, no matter what you are facing.

I have no doubt that with the team and support we have behind us, that we will go on to see many more years to come. So THANK YOU.