Preparing and visiting an exhibition can often be overwhelming. We have compiled what we believe to be the most important steps to take before visiting a exhibition, alongside some tricks we use to make the most of time.
Networking is key no matter the industry you operate in. It allows your business to connect with people inside and around your line and work, thus creating more opportunity for growth. In addition to the vast array of people you can connect with, it also creates an opportunity for you to be inspired. Inspiration creates drive and motivation, which can further impact great business decisions and outcomes. You should never neglect the opportunity for you to be inspired.
The importance of being prepared is often overlooked. Having business cards, pens, paper, stands, and equipment is key when visiting an event or exhibition. The power of preparation can influence your behaviour and how you come across when placed in certain scenarios or conversations. Meaning it is always worthwhile being as prepared as you can. Preparation reduces stress, anxiety, the chance of disaster while subtly increasing your confidence.
Why Are You There?
Always know the reason for your attendance before visiting an event or exhibition. For example, are you there for an increase in sales, create connections, meet possible investors, an increase in brand recognition or even to learn new things? If you know your goal when visiting an event, you will be able to easily track your progress and whether the visit was a success. Depending on your outcome, you will be able to change your approach for next time, whatever your plan was.
How To Stand Out.
Standing out is a key part of an exhibition, whether it be through clothing or the theme of your stand. You should never overlook the importance of making your stand look eye-catching. This will subconsciously increase your brand recognition and draw visitors in to have a look at what are showcasing. Differentiating your business from competitors also makes your business look more compelling to anyone, whether it be an investor or customer, they are more likely to remember your brand and business if you are unique.
For example, when we visited “PPMA 2022”, we received numerous comments on how attractive and different our stand was, even being mentioned on the official broadcast for the best stand. We accomplished this with grass walls and flooring, neon signs, bright TVs, and attractive clothing with an interactive barcode on the back of our t-shirts. Compared to our competitors, monotone stands which often blended into each other, we received a much more substantial number of visitors and generated much more interest.