Solutions Purchased
3x Phil 5000
The IPS Story
IPS Cullina, located in West Yorkshire, is the largest co-packer in the UK, working with some of the best-known food brands to provide cost-effective and innovative co-packing, co-filling and co-manufacturing solutions.
The Problem
IPS Cullina was burdened by the need for 12,600 tins across 30 different SKU's to be packed, labelled, lidded and sealed, each with the appropriate Loop Sticker - the equivalent of 6.3 tonnes of product. As if this doesn't sound difficult enough, due to supplier-related issues and logistics IPS Cullina & Tesco were working to an extremely tight deadline. After all, this was a concept store launch of 10 stores offering goods in recycled packaging.
The Solution
We delivered and installed 3x Phill 5000, hopper extender, tabletop stand and a slimline funnel to cope with the demand surplus for the variety of SKU's required to be packed. Head of Global Solutions Dave went to oversee the project providing a 2-week intense training course and implementing effective project management, he ensured to be on hand to demonstrate quick and effective changeover to guarantee smooth production. Not only this but also re-programming the filling machines to effectively cope with the diversity of products ranging from Demerara Sugar, Granulated Sugar, Pasta, Liquorice Allsorts, Midget Gems, Bombay Mix, variety of Mixed Nuts, Flour, Chocolate Raisins and many more.
Overall, after implementing our tailored solution to their complex production line, IPS Cullina were able to complete the entire project in 9 working days, that's roughly 1400 tins per day packed.